Subject master work: "Development of the computer system to metanew to dangers and his monitoring in coal mine"
In the paper the results of research on methane hazard and its monitoring for mines exploiting coal seams with blow methane emission and also inclined to sudden outbursts of coal and gas are given. A method of the analysis of the «Operator-Machine-Environment» system is considered to formulate definition of different sorts of hazard and multi-factor systems for explosion-hazard states monitoring with the help of the analysis of risk factors is described. The theoretical version for an estimation of probability of an average number of air-methane mixtures explosions is given at presence of statistical data, and also methods for an evaluation of the hazard monitoring system as a whole and estimation of safe time of its stay in an abnormal state.
In the majority of mining sites of Ukraine the coal seams with high methane content, inclined to sudden outbursts of coal and gas as well as blow emission of methane are mined Currently used methods of the outburst hazard prediction and control of gas emission speed, and also the seismoacoustic method of similar assignment becomes all less reliable in connection with transition of mining operations to more deep horizons (1000 m and more). The process of shaft drilling is unsafe because of appearance of sudden outbursts and others gas dynamic phenomena.
The seismoacoustic method in main meets the requirements of mining, however, the area of its application is limited to a level seismoacoustic properties of a coal seam. Besides, this method does not allow to differentiate the prediction of dangerous zones with regard to dynamic appearances along the whole length of the coal face, and also it does not takes into account how the outburst hazard is influenced by such factors as rock pressure, gas content and physics-mechanical characteristics of a coal seam when it is destroyed during mining operations.
Research carried out by AWTOGORMASZ, MAKNH and IGD in the years 1980-1985 confirmed expediency of creation of the system for automatic outbursts hazard prediction of coal seams based on a control and analysis of the multifactor information